Bilete Holzstock Festival 2023

Holzstock Festival 2023
Holzstock Festival 2023
Biserica fortificata, Hosman, Jud. SIbiu
18 - 20 august 2023, Ora 14:00

Info eveniment: Holzstock Festival 2023

Super Early Bird tickets for Holzstock Festival IX are now available!

When: 18-20 August 2023

Where: Hosman, Sibiu, Hosman Fortified Church

What: concerts, workshops, camping for tents and trailer, local food, amazing people and a very laid back atmosphere

Fun facts: Kids are more than welcome and we also have special workshops for them. We recycle. We want to stay small so that we can keep the quality of this feelings that you experience here.

Come join us and experience the good vibes that we are trying to keep at every edition. You can find everything in one place, the energy of a good concert, the creatives provided by local artists, the responsible attitude given by our mission to keep everything eco and clean, and the freedom of the scenery.

Holzstock festival is the only festival in Romania that takes place in a fortified church. Culture, landscape freedom and beautiful people all meet here to create this eclectic experience.


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