Bilete Dakini Festival 2018

Dakini Festival 2018
27 iun
1 iul
Dakini Festival 2018
Tuzla Beach, Constanta
27 iun - 1 iul 2018

Info eveniment: Dakini Festival 2018

Dakini Festival 2nd Edition

The magic land of Dakini will settle once again on the virgin beaches of Tuzla, where we will write another beautiful story. Between 27 June and 1 July 2018  be prepared to ascend to another dimension, where you will be mesmerized by all the surprises that we have in line for you. Dakini 2018 awaits you!

When you say Dakini, you say freedom, adventure and friendship! You say good music and open minded people! In 2018 Dakini is making a great comeback. We are gathering once again on the beautiful shores of the Black Sea, on the wild beaches of Tuzla, where we are going to build a dream land where you can lose yourself in music, meditation and wellbeing.

Between 27 June and 1 July 2018 be part of a revealing experience!



- access to all festival events: 5 days and nights of music, dance, yoga and workshops

- free camping and free drinking water

Free access for kids under 12 years accompanied by a parent.

20% discount for teenagers between 12 -  18 years accompanied by an adult


- incredible music line-up, with more than 120 international artists performing on three stages: Chill/Live: Gaudi AllStars Orchestra Live, Prem Joshua Band Live, Ott. Live, Aes Dana Live, Solar Fields etc.; Psy Trance: Ace Ventura, Alpha Portal, Astrix, Emok, Sideform, Tsubi etc.; Micro: Ada Khaled, Matei Tulbure, Paul Agripa, Petre Inspirescu etc

- more than 80 yoga classes, workshops and lectures


Dakini is an incredible experience that brings together people from all over the world and inspires them to connect in an environment that celebrates life, nature, freedom, tolerance and creativity. Join us for this second edition of Dakini in a magic place on the Black Sea Coast!


Let yourself guided by the spirit of Dakini and become a sky dancer!

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